HIIPER - Fusion Studies Lab
By using Inertial Electrostatic Confinement driven by a helicon antenna, and coupled with an electrostatic nozzle - we're able to make the space propulsion device of tomorrow... today. HIIPER and its fusion variant - VIPER, can make interplanetary access rapid, affordable, and viable.
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AIAA Design/Build/Fly
Competing with an international community of universities we developed mission-specific aircraft to be light weight, rapidly-deploying, and performant.
Learn More about D/B/F. | My Roles.
This website is built using (and as a pretext to learn) HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, and managed as a project through GitLab complete with an internal wiki, issues system, and milestones. Everything was coded by handing using Notepad++ and Gedit, with larger binary assets revision controlled using Git-LFS. The layout, video, and visual assets were also done by me. The original site was built manually using HTML 1.1 in notepad.
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All internal projects are supported by a customized dedicated server using Xen Hypervisor on Arch Linux running virtual servers and containers running TeamSpeak, GitLab, Mattermost (#Slack), SSH, VPN, Minecraft, and NGinx with SSL from LetsEncrypt. Unicron is an IT experiment supporting experiments.
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Plasma Driven Propulsion
Harnessing plasma to drive chemical reactions faster, I investigated how to push combustion-based propulsion technologies higher, faster, and farther.
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Senior Design - Propulsion
Launching a mission to L2 (The Second Lagrangian Point in the Earth-Sun system), I was responsible for selecting a propulsion system and launch vehicle that would keep the mission on time and under budget.
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UIUC Wiki - Arduino
Intelligent Mobile Navigation was a course that took advantage of the Arduino platform to develop projects to make lives easier. Along with the course I wrote articles as part of the University of Illinois's wiki/Confluence documenting our work.
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Gamers For Charity
Created to raise funding for survivors of the Haitian earthquake of 2010, Smash for Haiti and later Gamers For Charity became one of the top donors at UIUC that year and subsequently worked to collect funding for local charities. By maintaining a tight process and performing research, we've made sure that all donated money served its purpose and none went to paying overhead.
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Personal Electronics Lab
Building a workspace and tools by using consumer-grade parts was the first step to creating and exploring new things. Using a power supply and locally sourced circuitry, a performant power supply that could source between 0-22 volts was built.
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